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Wednesday, March 3, 2010








想想看,或许是太忙了?一下子,三个kem一起忙,加上功课,考试的温习,身体都在和我抗议了呢!Kem 完了之后,跌定好好休息一番。

能 大口喘气的时间已经能够很少了。三月的假期,被kem逼满。四月还有一个kem,也没有假期。五月,大考,更不用说休息。六月两个星期的假期,凡是spm 考生都会趁这个时间好好用功吧?七月、八月、九月、十月,都是温习温习而已,十一月、十二月,spm了。算算看,能真正休息的时间,好像真的不多啊。只好 把握时间了。


Han said...

I look into the internet...there was 2 result showing the symptoms...

1)ur pregnant...well, i doubt that....

2) is too tired....not enough rest and too stressed...

There is time to relax and rest....U'll have to sacrifice a few things....Health is always more important..

Well, I hope that u can listen to my advice...take a nice rest and give up a few things which is minor...I hope u can...if u don wan to listen also never mind...I won nag about ur health anymore..I knw u r annoyed wif it....

Karen said...

u knw its hard 2 give up something.. especially those works tat must done by group.. its unfair 2 them.. i will try my best nt 2 work so hard..

Han said...

Mm...i understand...but still that does not mean u should let urself be so tired til like this....

Ur reason is not quite acceptable..

but i understand...ur being next time don take it too heavy....

and u knw its hard to see a friend torturing her self? so, that is y..How i wish that necklace can really grant u good health....

Like i gave up coffee is not easy o...hahahaha....^^....

加油吧!! Although i don lik that way u work but still I support u all the way..